Greetings in the name of the Lord,
We had a wonderful time in Salina recently as fifty plus people, most of them from Salina 1st, gathered for DCPI training in New Church Dynamics. Pastor Jon Filipi has been boldly casting vision with his people. They are excited! They are dreaming God’s dream. They are praying for God’s power and stepping boldly into a new future of building God’s kingdom. It was a joy to connect with these wonderful Nazarene leaders and to teach again from New Church Dynamics. I was reminded again, as I taught some of the biblical principles, that Jesus is Boss of the church. He is the one who calls the shots. He said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” Wow! It’s comforting to know that we don’t have to manufacture the church. God will build it. But that means we need to hit our knees and pray. We pray and we listen for God’s leading and direction. I believe He will help us to dream some dreams to reach people for Christ and to see lives transformed. Not only will God provide the vision, He will empower us to accomplish it!! Then we get to say, “Yeah God!”
One of our great pastors (and we have many on our district), Darrel Riffle, told me that he is praying for 100 souls to find Christ and be baptized by the end of the summer. He and Cheri are actively praying, planning and stepping out in faith. He is inviting us to pray with them. They are relaunching the restart of LarNaz on the first weekend of March. Let’s all be praying for God to grant them favor and power to accomplish the vision. On February 20, they will be walking the streets of Larned, praying and inviting many to join them in church during the Easter season.
Also, I am delighted to tell you that Caleb and Julia Miles will be joining the team in Goodland, Kansas. Caleb will begin pastoring the Goodland Church beginning February 21. We will be working with them to restart the church in Goodland. The members of Goodland have been so patient and praying for a godly leader. We believe good days are ahead as we work together to building the kingdom there.
Keep praying the 10:02 prayer! Luke 10:2 tells us, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” We need to be praying for vision and power just as the boss of the church asked us to.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Jim
NMI has created a new website,, regarding Missions on the KansasDistrict to better inform our Kansas congregations of current information and opportunities. Here are some highlights:
- Children's Mission Retreat February 12-13, 2016 Created for 4th-6th graders, this exciting overnight adventure will help children see what Jesus is doing around the world through the Church of the Nazarene in three different countries. Each child will receive a personalized passport and tickets to travel on Air Naz to Africa, Papua New Guinea and Mexico! Sponsored by your Kansas District NMI Council. For information and registration, click on the Children's Mission Retreat tab on the web site. Registration deadline is February 10.
- 100th Anniversary NMI Project Thank you to all who have participated in taking an offering for the 100th Anniversary Project for African Water Wells. If you have not taken an offering yet, there are English and Spanish posters and videos available for you as a resource for promoting the building of thewater wells.
- Missionary Speakers Daniel & Julie Herrera, missionaries with JESUS Film Harvest Partners, will be on deputation tour March 12-20, 2016. Check the website for church locations, date and service times next month. Under the tab Speakers are a list of possible presenters for Faith Promise, missionaries and leadership training.
- Mission Trip Opportunities There are several trip opportunities listed for your church to get in touch with and start planning an incredible trip! Some sign-up deadlines are due soon, don't miss out!
- Facebook Check out our Facebook page (Kansas District Nazarene Missions International) with current, relevant posts that encourage the heart and share Nazarene news from around the world.
Thank you for serving Christ where you are and wherever He is leading you.
Serving Him,
Kelly Love
Kansas District NMI President
Click here for a pdf version of the Harvest