The Process of Ordination in the Church of the Nazarene
Course of Study - What is the course of study and what do I need to do?
Local License
Download application and packet here (pdf)
You can download the application for a local license by following the above link. To read more about the qualifications, follow this link. Please consult your local Pastor for assitance and an important interview process. Please note that you need to be inolved with a local Nazarene Church to apply for a local license.
Great Study Resources
Feeling Called to the Ministry in the Church of the Nazarene?
Below is a list of resources for you to check out that should help you navigate the call to the ministry and what comes next. The Church of the Nazarene has some great systems in place for helping you in your call to ministry and ultimately serving in the Nazarene Church in a Clergy (Pastoral/Missions) role.
Navigating the Call
Pastoral Resources
Links to helpful Pastoral Resources
Clergy Develpment - Clergy Development of the Church of the Nazarene offers a complete curriculum plan designed to meet the requirements to prepare ministers for ordination.
Clergy Education - This site is for preparation for ordination and lifelong learning tools.
Grace and Peace Magazine - "Grace and Peace" is a quarterly dialogical magazine for pastors and ministry practitioners in the USA/Canada Region of the Church of the Nazarene.
Preacher's Magazine - A Nazarene Resource for Pastors
Vibrant Magazine - An online Nazarene resource for relevent ministry ideas