Ministry Assessment Schedule

          8:00-8:30: Gather at Assigned Mission Area (below)

          8:30: Welcome / Overview of Day / Organization (Pastor Jim)... done via Zoom

9:00: Track One – A theological understanding of God’s call(s) on our lives. (Randy Cloud)... done via Zoom

9:45: Cohort Breakout

10:15: Track Two – The Mental Health of a Pastor (?)... done via Zoom

11:00: Cohort Breakdown

11:30: Lunch

1:00: Track Three – The 4 B's of Discipleship (from first-time church visitor to mature believer) (Dr. Bill Carr)... done via Zoom

1:45: Cohort Breakdown

2:15: Cohort Interviews

Western Mission Area – Dodge City

Central Mission Area – Hutchinson First

Northern Mission Area – Manhattan

Eastern and Southern Mission Area – Woodland Lakes

Western Mission Area (Spanish) – Turning Point @ Garden City

Eastern Mission Area (Spanish) – Todas las Naciones (Wichita)