• Wichita, KS

Register Here for Ministry Weekend: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfkMGnWmcTYAfBPveWaDRMElgf_MQZbSeagIsHwjOsPWCNwow/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1

Kansas District Ministry Assessment Weekend

Wichita First Church of the Nazarene

April 5-6, 2019


Friday, April 5, 2019

·        12:00 pm     Kickoff lunch with ordination students/spouses and Ministry Assessment Executive Committee

·        1:00 pm       Ordination & Divorce Barrier Removal Interviews

·        4:00 pm       Students can meet with the Director of Studies to discuss classes and transcripts

·        4:00 pm       District License interviews for those not able to attend Saturday

·        4:30 pm       Registration

·        5:00 pm       Group Dinner

·        6:00 pm       Welcome/Weekend Overview – Pastor Jim

·        6:15 pm       Break down into Cohorts/Organizational – Cohort leaders

Please note our theme for our five tracks this year is “Ministry in Tough Times”.

·        6:30 pm       Track One (Coping with people who beef, bite, and bellyache. Dealing with difficult / different (personality types) people)

·        7:15 pm       Cohort Breakout

·        8:00 pm       Track Two (A Faithful Parsonage Family – Dealing with church conflict)

·        8:45 pm       Cohort Breakout

·        9:30 pm       Adjourn for evening


Saturday, April 6, 2019

·        8:00 am       Registration

·        8:30 am       Track Three (Multiplying services, languages, and ministry opportunities – stewardship of the building and resources God has given)

·        9:15 am       Cohort Breakout

·        10:00 am     Track Four (A pastoral theology for challenging times)

·        10:45 am     Cohort Breakout

·        11:30 am     Lunch

·        11:30 am     Lunch - Plenary session encouraging women in clergy

·        12:30 pm    Track Five (Eucharist & Baptism – defined, deciphered, and deployed)

·        1:15 pm       Cohort Breakout

·        2:00 pm       District License Interviews (done within Cohorts)