Sunday, July 15
6:00 PM Opening Service– Jim Bond, Dist. Superintendent
(Please note time change)
Monday, July 16
8:30 AM District NMI Convention
Our morning session will include reports from key District NMI leaders, voting for District NMI president, and presentations from Kansas District Links missionaries, Scott and Gail Dooley, who serve at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital in Papua New Guinea.
10:00 AM NYI Convention
12 Noon NMI Luncheon (Reservations Only)
1:00 PM NMI Workshops
Afternoon workshops, including hearing from the Dooley family, will conclude our convention.
6:00 PM Ordination Service- Dr. Gustavo Crocker,
(Please note time change)
8:00 PM Ordination Reception
(Please note time change)
Tuesday, July 17
8:30 AM District Assembly
We will conduct our district business, hear reports from across the district and have some great training sessions.
6:00 PM Assembly Service- Dr. Gustavo Crocker
(Please note time change)