• Garden City Church of the Nazarene (map)
  • 2720 N. Campus Drive
  • Garden City, KS 67846


New Church Dynamics provides practical tools to implement systems for growing a dynamic, missional church. It addresses how to:

Develop a plan to provide fresh hope and direction.

Help achieve community transformation.

Help ensure reproduction.

Assess current status, envision what needs to change, and generate a plan


Church Planting Essentials is church planting "basic training." It is ideal for church plant pastors and those starting a new ministry in the church or work in the community. It addresses how to:

Organize and refine your vision, purpose, strategies, and timeline early, so that you have a clear plan for the future.

Use Biblical principles for church planting in everything you do.

Recognize and avoid common church planting "land mines".


Register on the link below.





If you have questions or need more information contact Dan Braaten (316)-559-5355 or Jon Fillipi (785) 577-1777