Pastors and Leaders Conference (PALCON) is a gathering designed for clergy, both assigned and unassigned, serving on the front lines of ministry. All deacons and elders are invited to attend along with district licensed ministers. Senior pastor, chaplains, evangelists, staff ministers, and missionaries on furlough are welcome. We are inviting those who are retires as well as those who are students.
PALCON is a 3-day conference with a registration price of $179.00. The conference includes conference materials, all meals, breaks, and on-campus housing. For those who can attend only one day registration is $99.00 and includes conference materials, all meals, breaks, but no overnight housing is included.
It is the vision of PALCON to participate in a fresh move of God upon the Church of the Nazarene in the United States and Canada. We minister in days with a unique opportunity to impact our world. Each PALCON has tremendous potential to shape and mold us more clearly into the people and church God envisions.