Workshop Descriptions:
Raising Up Young Leaders, Speaker Rev. Corbin Kellum- Join us for a practical workshop designed to empower young people in your church and foster a genuine Culture of Calling. Specifically tailored for lay leaders and pastors, this session will share proven strategies and real-world examples to effectively nurture a culture that empowers the next generation. Gain actionable insights and practical tools that you can implement in your local congregations and student ministries.
Why the Relationship between Pastor and Board Will Make or Break Your Church, Speaker Rev. Scott Marshall- The relationship between pastor and Board in the Church of the Nazarene is maybe the most critical in the Church. It can make or break the Church’s mission. So how do you set it up to succeed? What structures do you need and how do you build them? What builds trust and what hurts it? What are the necessary mindsets and how do you build them into your relationship to build a solid foundation? In this unique session, you’ll get 4 takeaways you can apply to your Pastoral/Board relationship immediately.
Preaching & Teaching Resources, not from Google, Speaker Rev. Billy byler- discussion about where we can find good resources for sermons and studies beyond Google!
District NMI Presidents, Speaker Kelly Love- Content is tailored for local NMI Presidents on our Kansas District with new and updated information to help each church stay engaged with Nazarene Missions throughout the year.
Crecimiento integral de la iglesia: Recursos y estrategias prácticos- Whole Church growth: Practical Resources and Strategies, Orador/speaker Rev. Fernando Alvarez-
Lay ministry institute, speaker rev. mark snodgrass & rev. scott powell- With today's economy, church staffing is harder to afford or to attain. We need our laypeople to step up and serve in ministry. This workshop digs into how to identify those ready to lead and serve in ministry, how we can nurture that calling, how we can equip those skills, and how we need to commission them into ministry.
church finances, Counterfeit to Crypto: Handling Finances in the Local Church, speaker rev. matt lucas- You do not need to be a leader in the local church long before you encounter the awkward, confusing, or just plain weird regarding money. This workshop is designed to take the first step towards demystifying finances for the pastor and lay leader alike. The philosophical and the practical will be explored, giving those who attend practical tips and fresh perspectives on funding your ministry and supporting your pastoral staff.
Outside the Outreach Box, Speaker Rev. Nathan Haeck- Tired of thinking of only the same ideas and getting nowhere? We will be looking at different ways to reach your community. Come join us as we breakdown resources and come up with innovative ideas to reach your community. Many resources provided!
kansas nmi ideas, speaker kelly love & nmi leaders- come learn about ideas on how your nmi can get involved locally and across the world. this is a hands on interactive workshop.
La predicación y la enseñanza de la perfección cristiana y sus implicaciones prácticas-The Preaching and Teaching of Christian Perfection and its Practical Implications, Orador/speaker Rev. David Martinez